Table 3.

Cytology results for symptomatic cytology versus all other cytology tests recorded in women aged 20–29 years (CPRD data 1990 to 2010)

Cytology resultAll other cytology,a n (%)Symptomatic cytology,b n (%)
Normal47 175 (79.3)1433 (77.8)c
Inadequate4728 (7.9)179 (9.7)
Borderline3930 (6.6)113 (6.1)
Mild dyskaryosis2591 (4.4)80 (4.3)
Moderate dyskaryosis648 (1.1)19 (1.0)
Severe dyskaryosis431 (0.7)18 (1.0)
?Glandular neoplasia4 (0.01)0 (0)
High-grade dyskaryosis ?invasive7 (0.01)0 (0)
Total59 514 (100)1842 (100)
Moderate dyskaryosis or worse1090 (1.8)37 (2.0)
Severe dyskaryosis or worse (very high grade)442 (0.7)18 (1.0)
  • a All other cytology results defined as not recorded within 1 month of presenting with a gynaecological symptom.

  • b Symptomatic cytology defined as test recorded within 1 month after presenting with a gynaecological symptom.

  • c If inadequate samples are excluded from the denominator, 86.2% (1433 out of 1663). CPRD = Clinical Practice Research Datalink.