Table 1.

Baseline characteristics by duration of antibiotic prescription in the whole cohort

Duration of antibiotic prescription
5 days7 days10 days
Baseline clinical assessment
Severity of sore throat/difficulty swallowing on a 4-point Likert scale, mean (SD)3.27 (0.65)3.26 (0.67)3.18 (0.63)
Severity of all baseline symptoms on a 4-point Likert scale, mean (SD)2.18 (0.40)2.15 (0.40)2.12 (0.41)
FeverPAIN score,a mean (SD)1.72 (1.30)1.94 (1.32)2.36 (1.18)
Centor score,b mean (SD)1.85 (1.09)2.06 (1.10)2.33 (1.01)
Prior duration in days, mean (SD)4.61 (3.57)4.68 (4.22)4.11 (3.36)
Age in years, mean (SD)33.16 (14.05)33.88 (14.21)32.35 (13.75)
Female sex, n/N (%)984/1466 (67.1)2832/4187 (67.6)1102/1632 (67.5)
Smoker, n/N (%)356/1464 (24.3)966/4168 (23.2)285/1621 (17.6)
Fever in last 24 hours, n/N (%)962/1458 (66.0)2816/4171 (67.5)1152/1630 (70.7)
Temperature ºC, mean (SD)36.86 (0.72)36.93 (0.72)36.99 (0.68)
Pus on tonsils, n/N (%)648/1460 (44.4)2131/4170 (51.1)1050/1627 (64.5)
Severely inflamed tonsils, n/N (%)209/1371 (15.2)816/3945 (20.7)325/1546 (21.0)
Prior medical problems, n (%)0.27 (0.52)0.25 (0.52)0.23 (0.49)
Return within 4 weeks with new or worsening symptoms, n/N (%)222/1449 (15.3)577/4135 (13.9)198/1620 (12.2)
Return within 4 weeks with complications, n/N (%)13/1449 (0.9)55/4135 (1.3)22/1620 (1.3)
  • a FeverPAIN score comprises fever in the past 24 hours, purulence, rapid attendance (within 3 days), inflamed tonsils, and no cough or cold symptoms.

  • b Centor score comprises a history of fever, pus on tonsils, enlarged glands, and absence of cough. SD = standard deviation.