Table 2.

NNT to prevent one major vascular event in each sample profile

Absolute 5 year risk of fatal and non-fatal CVD eventsa, %RR reduction in major vascular events from taking statinsb (95% CI)Absolute risk reduction of major vascular events from taking statins, %NNT, n
Low risk (<1)0.75 (0.70 to 0.80)0.25≥400
Moderate risk (1–7.4)0.75 (0.70 to 0.80)0.25–1.9400–53
High risk (7.5–15.9)0.75 (0.70 to 0.80)1.9–4.053–25
Very high risk (≥16)0.75 (0.70 to 0.80)4.0≤25
  • a Risk conversions are available from the authors on request.

  • b RR reported for the outcome ‘Major vascular events’ as reported in Cholesterol Treatment Trialists Collaboration.26 NNT = numbers needed to treat. RR = risk ratio.