Table 2.

Antibiotic exposure in the 12 months before index antibiotic prescription (T0) and response failure criteria

Antibiotic exposureResponse failure, number of children (%)
ReferralSecond prescriptionEmergency department visitHospital admissionDeathTotal
None494 (68.23)268 (87.58)209 (86.01)78 (75.73)1 (100)1050 (76.25)
1153 (21.13)32 (10.46)28 (11.52)17 (16.50)0230 (16.70)
≥2 antibiotic courses77 (10.64)6 (1.96)6 (2.47)8 (7.77)097 (7.04)
  • a Median days to referral (IQR) = 2 (0–7).

  • b Median days to second prescription (IQR) = 10 (7–13).

  • c Median days to emergency visit (IQR) = 2 (1–7).

  • d Median days to hospital admission (IQR) = 2 (1–9).

  • e Death occurred at day 5. IQR = interquartile range.