Table 6.

Summary statistics for the number of occurrences of communication behaviour per consultation within each RIAS code grouping according to consultation type: clinician assessments

Communication behaviour, mean (median, IQR)aFTFCTCVC
Patient education and counselling
  Provides biomedical information45.16 (44, 27–57)27.00b (22,b 9–36)28.71c (24,c 11–42)
  Provides psychosocial information0.940.430.49
  Counsels biomedical10.18 (8, 1–15)9.06 (8, 2–11)9.24 (9, 3–14)
  Counsels psychosocial0.080.230.11
  Total count56.35 (54, 32–80)36.72c (30,b 17–45)38.56c (38,d 17–55)
Data gathering
  Open-ended biomedical questions4.90 (4, 2–7)3.47d (3,d 2–5)3.89 (3, 2–5)
  Closed-ended biomedical questions7.43 (4, 2–9)3.72c (3, 1–5)4.13d (3, 2–5)
  Open-ended psychological questions0.140.320.18
  Closed-ended psychological questions00.17 (0,d 0–0)0.29 d (0,d 0–0)
  Bids for clarification0.55 (0, 0–1)0.53 (0, 0–1)0.42
  Total count13.02 (10, 6–17)8.21c (8, 4–11)8.91d (7, 5–11)
Rapport building
  Personal remark1.14 (0, 0–2)2.81c (1, 0–5)3.24c (2, 0–6)
  Laughter/tells joke0.490.170.18
  Legitimate0.180.02 (0,d 0–0)0d (0,d 0–0)
  Concern0.390.250.11 (0,d 0–0)
  Reassure0.80 (0, 0–1)1.17 (0, 0–2)0.80 (0, 0–1)
  Total count3.33 (2, 1–4)4.66d (4,d 2–7)4.44 (1–7)
Partnership building
  Paraphrase, checks understandinge0.450.23 (0, 0–0)0.16 (0,c 0–0)
  Verbal attention, shows partnership support3.39 (1, 0–6)2.21 (0, 0–5)1.67 d (0,d 0–2)
  Asking clarification, bids for repetition0.220.340.16
  Asking clarification, asks for understanding0.180.060.09
  Asking clarification, asks for opinion0.160.130.18
  Total count4.39 (3, 0–6)2.96 (1, 0–5)2.24d (0, 0–3)
  Disagreement, shows direct disapproval0.0400
  Disagreement, shows criticism in general000
  Total count0.0400
Giving direction
  Giving directions, transition, for example, request to allow examination0.180 (0,d 0–0)0.09
  Giving directions, gives orientation instructions, for example, go to examination couch4.45 (3, 0–7)2.87 (0, 0–5)2.11d (0,d 0–4)
  Total count4.63 (3, 0–7)2.87 (0, 0–5)2.20d (0,d 0–4)
  • a (Median, IQR) are (0, 0–0) if not shown. Statistical significance calculated based on two sample t-tests for TC/VC compared with FTFC (median tests are in brackets):

  • b P<0.001,

  • c P<0.01,

  • d P<0.05.

  • e There were no significant differences between VC and TC except for partnership building: paraphrase, checks understanding (median test P=0.02, higher frequency above the overall median for telephone. FTFC = face-to-face consultation. IQR = interquartile range. RIAS = Roter Interaction Analysis System. TC = telephone consultation. VC = video consultation.