Table 1.

Management pathway taken within 6 months or 5 years of initial symptom, N = 13 897

PathwayWithin 6 months of symptom, n (%)Within 5 years of symptom, n (%)
1 NICE guidelines (echo/NP and referral)976 (7.0)3409 (24.5)
2 Guidance partially followed (echo/NP or referral)2589 (18.6)4657 (33.5)
3 Treatment only (HF medications but no echo/NP or referral)5117 (36.8)3938 (28.3)
4 No NICE-recommended care (no echo/NP, referral, or HF medications)5215 (37.5)1893 (13.6)
  • Echo = echocardiography. HF = heart failure. NICE = National Institute of Health and Care Excellence.

  • NP = natriuretic peptide testing.