Box 2.

Clinician knowledge, attitudes, and behaviours across studies

Across studiesClinician knowledgeClinician attitudesClinician behaviours
SimilaritiesLess self-harm training provided in comparison with general mental health, evidenced by only 39% of GPs receiving suicidal behaviour training in the previous 5 years26,30Self-harm a ‘cry for help’ and a ‘help-seeking behaviour’22, 28, 31
GPs want patients who self-harm to access mental health assessment27,29
Want to help patients who self-harm and see themselves as a frontline service for young people who self-harm25,26
Lack confidence assessing and talking to patients who self-harm, including young people22,25, 33
Feel self-harm is on a ‘spectrum of risk’ for suicide22,25
Use ‘gut feeling’ and instinct to manage risk with self-harm in adults and young people22,28
Most refer patients who self-harm to hospital setting (mental health, A&E, ABC)23,24,27
Patients who self-harm are also managed in primary care22,23,25,27
DifferencesIn young people there is uncertainty in establishing the severity of self-harm and future risk of self-harm28
GPs are aware risk of suicide greater in those who self-harm22
Self-harm in young people as a coping strategy25
Few self-harm primary care services30
Feel hospital admission reinforces self-harm behaviour32
Self-harm common in older adolescents, linked to social problems, should not be ignored, and should be acknowledged for both young person and parent/carer25
Concerns over conflict with parents of young people and in alienating young person25
Difficult assessing suicide risk in patients who had self-harmed and in establishing suicidal intent according to patient demographic22
Do not always intervene, and share responsibility for patient safety with patient22
Exhibit uncertainty when managing young people28
Ask direct questions with young people in lay terms while wanting to build rapport. Concerns over maturity of young people, signpost to services, and offer GP follow-up25
Lack of coding self-harm on electronic records29
Prescribe medication and undertake psychosocial intervention after self-harm23
More likely to intervene if documented suicidal ideation/behaviour23
In rural settings, referral influenced by service provision32
  • A&E = accident and emergency. ABC = ambulatory care.