Table 1.

Participant characteristics, N = 401

Age, years, median (IQR)1.6 (0.79–3.38)
Sex, male, n (%)203 (50.62)
Ethnicity, n (%)
  White British280 (69.83)
  White other38 (9.48)
  Mixed27 (6.73)
  Pakistani21 (5.24)
  Other Asian11 (2.74)
  African8 (2.00)
  Indian5 (1.25)
  Chinese5 (1.25)
  Bangladeshi4 (1.00)
  Caribbean1 (0.25
  Black British1 (0.25)
Mother’s age, years, median (IQR)32 (29–36)
Number of siblings, median (IQR)1 (0–1)
Parent believed child to be febrile at point of assessment, n (%)a119 (29.75)
Fever medication in past 6 hours, n (%)a134 (33.50)
Parent report of fever duration, days, median (IQR)1.5 (0.5–3)
Illness duration, days, median (IQR)3 (2–7)
Recruitment site, n (%)
  OOH primary care34 (8.48)
  In-hours primary care367 (91.52)
  • a N = 400 as there was missing data point for one participant for these questions. IQR = interquartile range.

  • OOH = out-of-hours.