Table 2.

Participant ratings of appropriateness and helpfulness of brief interventiona

RatingSelf-payment (n= 60)bNHS-fundedc (n= 940)b
  Patients included in analysis, n59921
    Not at all appropriate2 (3)4 (<1)
    Not appropriate2 (3)11 (1)
    Neither appropriate nor inappropriate5 (8)55 (6)
    Appropriate32 (54)400 (43)
    Very appropriate18 (31)451 (49)
  Patients included in analysis, n59922
    Not at all helpful2 (3)5 (1)
    Not helpful0 (0)19 (2)
    Neither helpful nor unhelpful11 (19)85 (9)
    Helpful26 (44)442 (48)
    Very helpful20 (34)371 (40)
  • a Data are presented as number (%) unless stated otherwise.

  • b Patients who did not return to the researcher to complete the assessment were not included in the analysis.

  • c Brief Intervention for Weight Loss trial.