Table 3.

Patients’ goals and GPs’ and patients’ experiences of the OPT-facilitated conversation

Goals and experiencesn%
Most important goal, N = 38
  Extending life1128.9
  Maintaining independence1231.6
  Reducing pain821.1
  Reducing other symptoms12.6
  Chose ≥1 goal as most important615.8
Patient evaluations, N= 29
I discussed my OPT score with my oncologist1448.2
  The OPT conversation:
    is time-consuming26.9
    helped me to prepare for the conversation in the hospital827.6
    helped me to make a treatment decision1344.8
    helped me to improve the relationship with my GP1551.7
    made me contemplate931.0
  I would recommend the OPT conversation to others1862.1
GP evaluations, N= 45
  I was able to explain:
    extending life4293.3
    maintaining independence4088.9
    reducing pain4395.6
    reducing other symptoms3680.0
  I was able to explain the concept of prioritising3271.1
  The patient could easily prioritise the goals2964.4
  I gained new insights1431.1
  • OPT = Outcome Prioritisation Tool.