Box 5.

Adequate rather than outstanding care?

Responder 2–14 (R2-14) is a male GP who has looked after patients with type 2 diabetes for 8 years in two different GP practices. When asked about the local set-up of diabetes care, R2-14 began by explaining that ‘there isn’t enough staff and not enough care’. Responder 2–14 suggested that his practice has a high proportion of patients with poorly controlled type 2 diabetes, which they found ‘pretty much impossible to sort out’ because of the lack of resources and restrictions on his time. Responder 2–14 explained that they do not have the ‘ability to see everyone in detail’, describing himself as being ‘stressed by the work’ and without much ‘higher-level support’. Responder 2–14 ‘struggles to get all the QOF boxes ticked’ and this has meant reduced funding to their practice, which further restricts resources. Responder 2–14 found the ‘cycle rather exhausting’ and hoped that the ‘government gets a grip’ with extra support to diabetes services.