Table 2.

Median intervals by CA125 test result, and crude and adjusted associations between CA125 test result and test-to-diagnosis interval

CA125 test resultnMedian test-to-diagnosis interval in days, n (IQR)Unadjusted associationAdjusted associationa
Time ratio (95% CI)P-valueTime ratio (95% CI)P-value
Abnormal35135 (21–53)Reference<0.001Reference<0.001
Normal10564 (42–127)2.0 (1.7 to 2.4)2.0 (1.6 to 2.4)
  • a Adjusted for age, presence/absence of a recorded symptom, and Townsend score. Individual associations for all variables are displayed in Supplementary Table S1. CA125 = cancer antigen 125. IQR = interquartile range.