Table 1.

Participant characteristics

Age, years
GP role
  GP principal5
  Salaried GP5
  Locum GP4
Place of original medical degree
Geographical region
  North-East England1
  Yorkshire and Humber1
  East of England1
  Greater London3
  South-East England1
  South-West England4
  North Wales1
  East of Scotland2
GP description of practice
  Mixed urban–rural4
  n/a (locum)2
Decile of IMD (by practice postcode)a
  n/a (locum)b3
  • a Index of Multiple Deprivation (1 = most deprived, 10 = least deprived).

  • b One locum worked regularly in a single practice and was able to provide a postcode. IMD = Index of Multiple Deprivation.