Table 2.

Extent of between-practice variation explained by each model expressed as percentage reduction in random-effects variance and by median incidence rate ratio

ModelRandom-effects varianceaPercentage reduction in varianceMIRRbRatio of MIRR to that of null model
Null (random effect only)0.582.07
Population characteristics only0.5016.41.950.95
Practice characteristics only0.562.82.050.99
Both population and practice characteristics0.4917.91.950.94
  • a This is the variance between practices measured on the log-scale.

  • b This is the ratio of the CXR rate for a practice at the 75 th centile of the CXR utilisation against the CXR rate for a practice at the 25 th centile of CXR utilisation, estimated using the random-effects variance. CXR = chest X-ray. MIRR = median incidence rate ratio.