Box 2.

Summary of key barriers and intervention ingredients

Key barriers to target behavioursSourceKey domain targetedIntervention ingredients to address key barriers
Incomplete knowledge about eczema, its triggers, and its treatmentSR, I, TA↑Knowledge about eczema and its managementParents/carers
  • Provide information about eczema, its treatment, and triggers

  • Provide advice about identifying when emollients/TCS are needed for a range of different skin types and severities

  • Provide information on when to apply emollients/TCS and when they should use them, and for how long, including advice on identifying the start and end of eczema flare-ups

  • Provide information about how emollients and TCS differ in terms of their function and how they should be used together

  • Provide instructional video/photos of how to correctly apply TCS

  • Explain what eczema is and how it is treated in simple language using videos

Limited skills for managing and co-managing eczema and its treatments (for example, using creams, supporting transition to child self-management)SR, I, TA↑Skills to manage and co-manage eczema with their childParents/carers
  • Use videos to demonstrate how emollients should be applied and how much

  • Provide suggestions for activities around emollient use to make emollient times more fun and interesting for children (for example, imaginary games, singing, special toys for emollient times)

  • Encourage parents/carers to involve their child in applying emollients so they can learn how to do it themselves

  • Use videos to demonstrate how emollients should be applied and how much

Concerns and doubts about emollients and, especially, TCSSR, I↑Positive beliefs about consequences (of using emollients and TCS)Parents/carers
  • Provide a rationale for how emollients and TCS help to manage eczema including when eczema is only mild or not visible on the skin

  • Provide persuasive and credible information about the effectiveness of emollients and TCS, including scientific evidence, user stories, quotes, and videos

  • Provide advice about trying out new emollients and finding an emollient that works, including advice on when an emollient should be abandoned to try a new one

  • Encourage use of a 2-week challenge to evaluate how regular use of an emollient improves eczema symptoms (redness, soreness, itching), and prompt trying a different emollient if it does not

  • Provide advice on how to support the child to tolerate the treatments better (for example, distraction, relaxation)

  • Provide user stories/quotes about how they dealt with unpleasant reactions in their child

  • Acknowledge that the process of finding the right emollient can be frustrating/overwhelming/disheartening

  • Reassure parents/carers that it is OK to ask to change emollients if their child cannot tolerate their current emollient

  • Explain how emollients and TCS help eczema using easy-to-understand videos

  • EO = expert opinion. I = stage 1 interviews. PPI = patient-public involvement representatives. SR = systematic review. TA = stage 2 think-aloud interviews. TCS = topical corticosteroids.