Table 1.

Baseline characteristics

CharacteristicParticipants (N= 991)a
Age, years, mean (SD)55.9 (5.2)
Sex, female, n (%, 95% CI)782 (78.9, 76.4 to 81.4)
BMI, kg/m2, mean (SD)26.2 (4.0)
Ethnicity, White, n (%, 95% CI)965 (97.5, 96.5 to 98.5)
Highest level of education, n (%, 95% CI)
Primary186 (19.3, 16.8 to 21.8)
Secondary437 (45.3, 42.2 to 48.4)
Higher341 (35.4, 32.4 to 38.4)
Hip pain, n
No pain409
  Unilateral pain375
  Bilateral pain207
Morning stiffness in any hip, n (%, 95% CI)343 (35.9, 32.9 to 38.9)
Knee pain in any knee, n (%, 95% CI)821 (82.8, 80.5 to 85.1)
Duration of complaints, months, mean (SD)24.6 (24.2)
Standardised WOMAC score, mean (SD)
Total (0–100)24.6 (16.5)
Pain (0–100)25.3 (17.2)
Stiffness (0–100)33.1 (21.0)
Function (0–100)23.5 (17.2)
NRS hip and/or knee pain past week (0–10), mean (SD)3.6 (2.1)
Using any pain medication, n (%, 95% CI)369 (38.0, 35.0 to 41.0)
  • a Data missing for education (n = 27 individuals), ethnicity (n = 1), morning stiffness (n = 36), and pain medication (n = 19). BMI = body mass index. NRS = Numeric Rating Scale (in which 0 corresponds to no pain). SD = standard deviation. WOMAC = Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (in which 0 corresponds to no complaints).