Table 2.

PPI indications

VariablePPI users (n= 23 601), n (%)
Treatment of upper gastrointestinal disorders4749 (20)
Temporary indication
  Dyspepsia3260 (14)
  Peptic ulcer disease40 (0.2)
  Alarm features (for example, haematemesis)106 (0.4)
  Eradication of Heliobacter pylori73 (0.3)
Chronic indication
  Oesophageal disease (for example, Barrett’s oesophagus)458 (2)
  Reflux oesophagitis347 (1)
  Multiple PPI indications as treatment of upper gastrointestinal disorders465 (2)
Ulcer prophylaxis5382 (23)
Non-selective NSAID4191 (18)
Low-dose aspirin935 (4)
COX-2 inhibitor82 (0.3)
Peptic ulcer disease in medical historya71 (0.3)
  and usage of coumarins10 (0.04)
  and usage of DOAC6 (0.03)
  and usage of LMWH2 (0.008)
  and usage of ADP receptor inhibitor13 (0.06)
  and usage of thrombolytics0 (0)
  and usage of systemic corticosteroid15 (0.06)
  and usage of SSRI8 (0.03)
  and usage of venlafaxine0 (0)
  and usage of duloxetine0 (0)
  and usage of trazodone0 (0)
  and usage of spironolactone3 (0.01)
  overlay in comedication use14 (0.06)
Multiple PPI indications as ulcer prophylaxis103 (0.4)
Both treatment of upper gastrointestinal disorders and ulcer prophylaxis335 (1)
No accepted indication13 135 (56)
  • a If not already in combination with NSAID or low-dose aspirin usage. ADP = adenosine diphosphate. DOAC = direct- acting oral anticoagulant. LMWH = low-molecular-weight heparin. NSAID = non-steroidal anti- inflammatory drug. PPI = proton pump inhibitor. SSRI = selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor.