Table 2.

Advancing frailty and the prevalence of stroke risk factors in care home residents aged ≥65 years with atrial fibrillation

CategoryFrailty category on care entrya
No frailty (n = 1864)Mild frailty (n = 3714)Moderate frailty (n = 5145)Severe frailty (n = 3770)
Stroke risk factors on care entry, n (%)b
Age category, years
  65–74109 (5.8)253 (6.8)242 (4.7)166 (4.4)
  75–84638 (34.2)1249 (33.6)1603 (31.2)1192 (31.6)
  85–94962 (51.6)1899 (51.1)2856 (55.5)2142 (56.8)
  ≥95155 (8.3)313 (8.4)444 (8.6)270 (7.2)
Sex, male641 (34.4)1375 (37.0)1854 (36.0)1233 (32.7)
Heart failure297 (15.9)731 (19.7)1525 (29.6)1651 (43.8)
Hypertension258 (13.8)1480 (39.8)2810 (54.6)2419 (64.2)
Diabetes46 (2.5)83 (2.2)215 (4.2)384 (10.2)
Myocardial infarction135 (7.2)188 (5.1)380 (7.4)428 (11.4)
Peripheral vascular disease36 (1.9)142 (3.8)287 (5.6)390 (10.3)
Venous thromboembolism38 (2.0)82 (2.2)171 (3.3)173 (4.6)
Transient ischaemic attack85 (4.6)165 (4.4)267 (5.2)279 (7.4)
Strokec331 (17.8)761 (20.5)1048 (20.4)789 (20.9)
Stroke risk assessment on care home entry
CHA2DS2-VASc category,d n (%)
  Low moderate24 (1.3)42 (1.1)22 (0.4)9 (0.2)
  Moderate high1840 (98.7)3672 (98.9)5123 (99.6)3761 (99.8)
CHA2DS2-VASc score,d median (IQR)3 (3–4)4 (3–5)4 (3–5)5 (4–5)
  • a Defined using the eFI: no frailty (eFI 0 0.12); mild (eFI >0.12 0.24); moderate (eFI >0.24 0.36); or severe (eFI >0.36) frailty.

  • b Aortic plaque not reported on as a stroke risk factor because of small numbers and risk of resident identification.

  • c Including ischaemic, haemorrhagic stroke, and stroke of unknown origin.

  • d CHA2DS2-VASc, stroke risk assessment scoring one point each for female sex, age 65–74 years, history of heart failure, diabetes, hypertension, vascular disease, and two points each for history of stroke/transient ischaemic attack/venous thromboembolism and age ≥75 years.

  • eFI = electronic Frailty Index. IQR = interquartile range.