Table 2.

Descriptive statistics of psychological variables (n = 260)

Did your GP explain the purpose of the test to you?n (%)
  No/Don’t know39 (15.00)
  Yes217 (83.46)
  Missing4 (1.54)
Did the GP provide instructions on how to complete the test?n (%)
  No/Don’t know101 (38.85)
  Yes156 (60.00)
  Missing3 (1.15)
Did the GP tell you how long the test would take to arrive?n (%)
  No/Don’t know101 (38.85)
  Yes156 (60.00)
  Missing3 (1.15)
Instruction scaleMean (SD)
  -14.72 (1.86)
Collection scaleMean (SD)
  -17.05 (2.65)
Doing the test made me feel anxious.n (%)
  Disagree/Strongly disagree145 (55.77)
  Agree/Strongly agree95 (36.54)
  Missing20 (7.69)
The thought of an abnormal result from the test scared me.n (%)
  Disagree/Strongly disagree83 (31.92)
  Agree/Strongly agree163 (62.69)
  Missing14 (5.39)
Doing the test was unpleasant.n (%)
  Disagree/Strongly disagree154 (59.23)
  Agree/Strongly agree90 (34.62)
  Missing16 (6.15)
Were you advised of result by GP practice?n (%)
  No/Don’t know64 (24.62)
  Yes186 (71.54)
  Missing10 (3.84)
Did you receive a ‘Positive’ test result?n (%)
  No145 (55.77)
  Yes86 (33.08)
  Missing29 (11.15)
  • SD = standard deviation.