[BOOK][B] The sociology of health and healing: a textbook

M Stacey - 2003 - taylorfrancis.com
"...It is well-written and well-referenced...this is an important, innovative, enjoyable textbook
which can be highly recommended for use in undergraduate and postgraduate sociology …

[BOOK][B] Methods of social research: Pergamon international library of science, technology, engineering and social studies

M Stacey - 2013 - books.google.com
Methods of Social Research provides an introduction to the procedures of social research.
This book shows that sample surveys are only one approach among many of undertaking …

Tradition and change

M Stacey - Studies in British Society, 2023 - taylorfrancis.com
This is a study of what happens when new industry moves into an old country town and
requires it to absorb thousands of immigrants. Banbury, a market center in the heart of England …

[HTML][HTML] Hospitals, children and their families. The report of a pilot study.

M Stacey - 1970 - cabidigitallibrary.org
In this book, the authors have reported upon a pilot study undertaken to evaluate the socio-psychiatric
problems arising from the admission of children to hospital. All four authors were …

The myth of community studies

M Stacey - The British Journal of Sociology, 1969 - JSTOR
If community studies are to be undertaken they must be justified as one would justify any
piece of sociological research, ie they must make it possible either (i) to test already existing …

The division of labour revisited or overcoming the two Adams

M Stacey - Practice and Progress, 2018 - taylorfrancis.com
This chapter argues the classical theories derived ideas from and focuses on industry, the
market place and the state. It analyses the recognition that terms, concepts and theory all …

The health service consumer: a sociological misconception

M Stacey - The Sociological Review, 1974 - journals.sagepub.com
(Stacey 1974). More careful analysis suggests, however, that the term'consumer'is oflimited
value in understanding the status and role of the patient"; that it is an economic term which …

The sociology of health and illness: its present state, future prospects and potential for health research

M Stacey, H Homans - Sociology, 1978 - journals.sagepub.com
This paper describes the origins and development of the sociology of health and illness in
Britain and shows that these were rooted in practical concerns, rather than deriving from …

[BOOK][B] Comparability in social research

M Stacey - 2018 - books.google.com
… The working party, the contributors, and the editor, Mrs Margaret Stacey, are all to be
congratulated on their achievement, and it is appropriate that the volume should carry a memorial …

Who are the health workers? Patients and other unpaid workers in health care

M Stacey - Economic and industrial democracy, 1984 - journals.sagepub.com
Conventional theories of the division of labour and of the professions have failed adequately
to deal with two important facets: namely, the work done by the client in service industries …